Suleiman-Ki-Biwi: An Introduction

Think of something that can bring out different colors of your mood, something which isn’t a byproduct of your girlfriend’s or your wife’s actions. Well, forget about the road traffics or the picture of your oh-that-bastard boss – they are hardly going to make your mood better. If you are lucky, you might be blessed with a sexy maid, making it difficult to hold back the Shiney Ahuja in you. A small grin on your face might just turn into a deplorable expression the moment she opens her mouth to ask for a hike. Well, in that case, the maid surely turns out to be one element in your life that can color your mood in different shades.

I looked about in my life to find some of such elements, the most catastrophic and yet benign of which turned out to be Suleiman-ki-Biwi (wife of Suleiman). This soft pawed, mostly sleepy, always ravenous, wet nosed warm creature, as I’d call it, brought out the best and also the worst in me.

The name Suleiman-ki-Biwi, must have prompted you to think (guys with an envious look ofcourse) who this Suleiman is and what does his wife look like. Suleiman-ki-Biwi was actually my pet cat! Don’t ask me who this Suleiman is, because that would not be humanly possible to find considering the remarkable tendency of a female cat to get pregnant and the tremendous potential of a male cat to screw around. If I go on to find Suleiman, I might just encounter more suitors than the Rakhi ka Swayambhar participants. So how did the name come? Well, it was not related to anything at all. On a day when it was raining heavily, I and my sister found a small kitten stranded under a park bench. We took the shivering thing with us to our home. My sister dried the kitten and that was when the first catastrophe belted me. She pulled out a blue sweater, MY BLUE SWEATER, from the closet and wrapped the kitten in it. I straightaway started hating the kitten.

In my anger, I was thinking of christening it with a peculiar name. I remembered the story of one of my friend, Siddharth. His family had two dogs and they adopted a third one, a small Labrador pup from someone named Tiwari. As the days passed, and since no one had named the pup, they started calling it Tiwari, just to distinguish it from the other dogs. In no time, the neighborhood kids started calling the pup as Tiwari and so the name remained and Siddharth’s family didn’t bother much to find a better name. Then one day, Mr. Tiwari visited Siddharth’s home. You can imagine the scene when Mr. Tiwari is having tea and Siddharth’s eight year old sister comes to the living room with a biscuit in her hand, shouting, “Tiwari…come here boy… take it… take it

In my revengeful attempt to christen the cat, I looked around. The TV was on where a guy by the name Suleiman was doing some strange antics. I just took it from there and with one pronouncement I baptized the shivering creature who had just encroached into my closet, as Suleiman-Ki-Biwi. That was my victory

It was only after a week we’d realize that the kitten is male.


citrous said...
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citrous said...

Suleiman, didnt know ur pushpa had such raunchy moves to entice you to write this.. . would like to read more encounters of Suleiman with Pushpa, leaving aside his 'biwi'

anny said...

LOL! Who says looks can be deceptive..even names can be! I was hoping to find some of ur sleazy writing but it turned out to be quite a surprise and quite a good one! Lookin' fwd for more on suleiman-ki-biwi...

Paris Leopold McGrath said...

Masha Allah!!!

Anonymous said...

I always motivated by you, your opinion and way of thinking, again, appreciate for this nice post.

- Norman