Distorted Thoughts: Episode I

I sang the Gypsy song, and yet found myself banking on a compass for fear of losing my direction.

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Never gift your love a rose too often, it’s just like gifting a man with many wives. God has gifted us with only two eyes because we tend to lose our way in abundance and forget to appreciate the significance and beauty of each in many. That’s why a single rose stands out while it is lost when we put it in a bouquet. It sheds its splendor for a bigger beauty.

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I opened the windows. I opened the doors. Lit an earthen lamp and placed it on the porch. Like every evening, the wait lasted the entire night. In the morning, I collected the leftovers of her love, the jasmines which she left scattered in her mad dance with the wind. The flowers would last with me till they would be replaced by new ones. But the fragrance would stay the same, much like her chimerical presence.

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Don’t dwell in the past. Use it like a holiday resort. Go there, fall in love with it and when you come back to the present, feel its infection in the way you smile.

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Deformities in existence comes
Not without the feel of acceptance
In others

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An effort for some words,
The filtering of thoughts before expression
Is a walk away from self,
Or a stride towards purification?

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